9 tips for marketing to gen X

Published: 01/10/20

Although Generation X accounts for 31% of total U.S. income, marketing plans often forget to target messaging to this audience. We're here to make sure you're marketing to this generation and using the right tactics.

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Generation X is anyone born from 1965 to 1980, this generation of consumers range from 39-54 years old. Oftentimes, Gen X'ers are in established careers and make above-average incomes; many are parents and some of them grandparents; and very few of them are retired. This group of brand loyalists are active consumers but, due to the hyper focus on marketing to millennials, Gen X’ers often find themselves left out of the marketing equation. Don’t leave money on the table by overlooking your audience.

9 things to know when marketing to Generation X

  • Generation X researches. 76% of Generation X will research businesses before visiting or purchasing from your company. One of the ways to build trust with them is to be sure your business is represented consistently across Yelp, social media platforms and on your website. Audit your listings to identify what needs updating and what best represents your brand.
  • Gen X'ers often have established careers. Unlike millennials, many of whom are trying to figure out where they belong professionally, Gen X’ers are comfortable in their their professions. Like Millennials, Gen X will move around from company to company, but they have established roles and typically have consistent incomes.
  • Generation X uses social media often. You can find 95% of Gen X’ers on Facebook, so if you’re thinking about focusing your paid social budget, that’s a good place to start. In addition to paid social ads, be sure your organic social media marketing strategy includes messaging that speaks to them. Be honest, transparent and service-oriented with your messaging.
  • Gen X’ers are brand loyal. Generation X is generally loyal to brands and don’t require incentives in order to stay engaged. Oftentimes, younger generations will require rewards or incentives to stay connected to certain brands. However, you can stay linked to Gen X by offering loyalty rewards for long term or consistent customers. Because this generation responds to direct mail and email marketing, these are also good ways to deliver rewards that differentiate your service from the competitor.
  • Customer service matters to Gen X. Speaking of service, customer service is a top priority for Generation X. Because they’re already prone toward brand loyalty and don’t want to spend time shopping around, it’s easier to keep this audience as customers if you’re willing to provide above-average service — quick responses to questions via social media, appropriate customer service request replies and going above and beyond with periodic rewards.
  • Gen X'ers use their mobile devices often. On average, Generation X spends about two hours a day using their mobile devices for internet searches, social media, email, watching videos, researching businesses and watching the news. If your website isn’t optimized for mobile, you may be losing out. Contact us if you need a responsive website to represent your brand.
  • Family matters to Gen X. 75% of this generation help their aging parents and other dependents financially. Therefore, many different products and services can be marketed to this generation as they are often responsible for individuals of varying ages. Products made for children of all ages and seniors should also be targeted toward this generation since they are often decision-makers in the home.
  • Generation X trusts customer reviews. Because this generation spends a lot of time researching new brands, they tend to rely on customer reviews. Make sure that your company illustrates their customer service value through the types of responses you offer to positive and negative feedback. How a company handles negative feedback matters as it shows what potential customers can expect.

Clarify your messaging and improve your marketing strategy with this audience. Partner with a branding expert — see what Sanger & Eby can do for you.